RV SELECT - 2023 TAIWAN Agenda
DAY 1 (23/10) Mon
DAY 2 (24/10) Tue
DAY 3 (25/10) Wed

All times in GMT+8, Taiwan Standard Time

10:00 Morning Coffee / Chat / Networking
10:15 Opening Remarks Deputy Director of the Economic Development Bureau of Tainan City
10:30 RV SELECT Program / Agenda Intro
11:00 Game Pitching Session
8 Studios
(7 mins per studio)
12:00 Lunch & Networking
13:30 Round Ventures Intro
14:00 Game Pitching Session
7 Studios
(7 mins per studio)
15:00 Break Time
15:15 Voting Session (Best Game, Best Studio etc) Vote    
15:30 G.Round Intro - Sponsorship Session
16:00 Closing Remarks
18:00 VIP Dinner (G.Round Sponsored) - RV team, Sponsors, Media, Publishers, Investors, Gov Officials
DAY 1 (23/10) Mon
DAY 2 (24/10) Tue
DAY 3 (25/10) Wed

All times in GMT+8, Taiwan Standard Time

10:00 Morning Coffee / Chat / Networking
10:30 Game Play Session
12:00 Lunch & Networking
13:30 1:1 Meeting Sessions
16:30 Closing Remarks
16:45 Break & Networking
18:00 Taiwan Cultural Ceremony
18:30 Closing Remarks & G.Round Awards Mayor of Tainan
18:45 AIIDA <> Penjana Kapital MOU
19:00 Studio Dinner - Studios, RV team, Publishers & Investors
DAY 1 (23/10) Mon
DAY 2 (24/10) Tue
DAY 3 (25/10) Wed

All times in GMT+8, Taiwan Standard Time

10:00 Tainan Day Tour